
Wind Lidar
General Description

The wind lidar use the mode of intermittent FMCW and zoom lens. It has the characteristics of low bandwidth, low peak power, high dynamic range and high range resolution through "zero difference value finding, frequency modulation and direction detection" . The single-mode system effectively reduce the transmission cost, and the polarization-dependent dual-balanced detection has the advantages of anti-depolarization and high gain from ABAX.

Product features:

●   Continuous wave has high time utilization and high-frequency spectral resolution compared with pulse light detection system

●   FMCW can identify the direction of wind speed, and also has lower detection bandwidth and higher dynamic range;

●   The zoom lens is easier to achieve high range resolution and low emission peak power;

●   The single-mode system effectively reduce the transmission cost

●   The polarization-dependent dual-balanced detection has the advantages of anti-depolarization and high gain from ABAX.

Market Application:

Applications: wind power generation, wind tower replacement, weather detection, scientific research application, agricultural early warning, etc.